You have now completed the CLINQOL short form!

What’s Next for You...

Well done, you have now completed the CLINQOL Quiz that looks at how well you balance external quality of life and internal well-being! You will shortly receive in your inbox an email titled: New submission from CLINQOL Short Form.


1. Internal Well-Being score
The Internal Well-Being section has 10 questions (5 areas with two questions each.

To obtain your External Quality of Life score add up the 10 questions (each question is out of 5) to get your score out of 50.

2. External Quality of Life score 
The External Quality of Life section has 10 questions (5 areas with two questions each – relationships, work, money, health, and leisure).

To obtain your External Quality of Life score add up the 10 questions (each question is out of 5) to get your score out of 50.

3. Quality of Life percentage
To obtain your total, add up the 20 questions to get your quality of life score out of 100 (each question is out of 5). This is overall quality of life percentage (eg 70%).

Action Steps

1. See what you can improve by reviewing your scores in each of the life areas.

2. Identify what may be your weak or strong points.

3. Set an ideal goal of what you would like them to look like.

For example: “I have a loving relationship where I can talk through problems with ease and sucesss.” or “I have a peaceful state of mind that is independent of life’s problems.”

4. Write one simple action that would improve each of these areas.

These could be something like: “I will create a regular savings plan on Tuesday that I can stick to” or “I will meditate each morning for 15-30 mins starting tomorrow.”

Best of luck!

Dr Patrick Jones

This quiz is an abbreviation of the full CLINQOL Scale and you can also read the full article – (Citation: Jones, P., Drummond, P. (2022). The construction of a new Clinical Quality of Life Scale (CLINQOL). BMC Psychol., 10, 210).

Two life-changing questions you can ask yourself: “Who am I?” and “What am I going to do with the time I’ve got left?”

A preview of what you can expect from my upcoming book release and 30-day program ‘Clear Mind Open Heart’ (still available this month at pre-release price via link in bio).

Thanks to the team @iccwaofficial for this footage of my recent talk.

#bookrelease #mindfulness #psychologyresearch #MindfulnessResearch #QualityOfLife #psychologyofhappiness #qualityoflife #perthwellness #emotionalwellbeing #perthwellnesscommunity #spiritualenlightenment #mindfulnesspractice #innerwellbeing #newbookrelease #newbookstagram #newbooktuesday #mindfulnessprogram #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnesstraining #psychologybooks #30dayprogram #selfhelpbook #authorsofinstagram #australianauthor #wellbeingprogram #qualityoflife #selfhelptools #truthoflife #truthoftheday #reflectionoftheday

An excerpt from my recent talk for @iccwaofficial - an exploration into interpersonal equanimity and what this can look like playing out in our personal lives and in the business world.

This is one of the areas covered in the 30-day program of my upcoming book “Clear Mind Open Heart” which you can order now at pre-release pricing via the link in my bio.

#bookrelease #mindfulness #psychologyresearch #MindfulnessResearch #QualityOfLife #psychologyofhappiness #qualityoflife #perthwellness #emotionalwellbeing #perthwellnesscommunity #spiritualenlightenment #mindfulnesspractice #innerwellbeing #newbookrelease #newbookstagram #newbooktuesday #mindfulnessprogram #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnesstraining #psychologybooks #30dayprogram #selfhelpbook #authorsofinstagram #australianauthor #wellbeingprogram #qualityoflife #selfhelptools #selfhelpbooks #selfhelptips #goalsettingtips

A quick introduction into my upcoming 30-day program ‘Clear Mind Open Heart’ including examples of what some of the days are about, and how the exercises are structured.

You can still get your copy of the book at pre-release pricing via the link in my bio.

#wellbeingprogram #qualityoflife #selfhelptools #selfhelpbooks #selfhelptips

Thanks for having me tonight @iccwaofficial - it was a pleasure sharing the deeper end of wellbeing and its relevance to work.

#psychologyresearch #MindfulnessResearch #QualityOfLife #psychologyofhappiness #qualityoflife #perthwellness #emotionalwellbeing #perthwellnesscommunity #spiritualenlightenment #mindfulnesspractice #innerwellbeing

A brief overview of the contents page of my upcoming book ‘Clear Mind Open Heart’,
and a breakdown of the 3 sections of the 30-day program (mindfulness, quality of life and wellbeing).

You can order your copy now at pre-release pricing via the link in my bio.

#bookrelease #mindfulness #psychologyresearch #MindfulnessResearch #QualityOfLife #psychologyofhappiness #qualityoflife #perthwellness #emotionalwellbeing #perthwellnesscommunity #spiritualenlightenment #mindfulnesspractice #innerwellbeing #newbookrelease #newbookstagram #newbooktuesday #mindfulnessprogram #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnesstraining #psychologybooks #30dayprogram #selfhelpbook #authorsofinstagram #australianauthor #wellbeingprogram #qualityoflife #selfhelptools #selfhelpbooks #selfhelptips #goalsettingtips

First copy of my upcoming book “Clear Mind Open Heart” hot off the press! Now for the final edits and proofing to take place before the official release. You can still buy it at pre-release price - link in bio.

#clearmindopenheart #mindfulnessbook #authorsofinstagram #mindfulnessprogram #psychologybook

📣 Call for Contributors: "Happiness and the Psychology of Enlightenment" 📣

I am the Academic Editor for an upcoming book, "Happiness and the Psychology of Enlightenment," published by @intechopen, and we are currently inviting authors to submit proposed chapter outlines (deadline May 28th – extension possible).

This book will explore the many paths and methods that might lead to self-realisation or enlightenment. Including both theoretical and applied approaches. We welcome submissions that discuss a range of relevant topics, including:

✍️Quality Of Life
✍️ Subjective Well-Being
✍️ Loving-Kindness
✍️ Contentment
✍️ Nonjudgmental Awareness
✍️ Happiness
✍️ Self-Realisation
✍️ Inner Well-Being
✍️ Meditation
✍️ Nondualism
✍️ Enlightenment

Chapters should be 10-20 pages in length and can be original research papers or review articles. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to a multidisciplinary dialogue that bridges religion and science, exploring the upper limits of human potential and well-being.

For more information and to submit your work, visit IntechOpen via the link in my bio section.

#WellBeing #QualityOfLife #SelfRealization #Mindfulness #Enlightenment #AcademicCall #Research #Psychology #MindfulnessResearch #NonDualism #Contentment #bookrelease #enlightened #psychology #psychologyresearch #mindfulnessmeditation #mentalwellbeing #expandingconsciousness #psychologyofhappiness #authorsofinstagram #mindfulnessmatters #researchpaper #spiritualenlightenment #mindfulnesspractice #consciousnessshift #innerwellbeing #bookeditor #authorsofig #authorcommunity #authorsofinstagram #authorssupportingauthors

✨Out Now: MindFlip Moment Podcast - EPISODE 71 ✨

Tune into this new podcast episode where I share my MindFlip moment when I realised the machine (our mind) could stop with meditation.

Being interviewed by Heidi Horne - Keynotes, Mindful Leader Workshops and Retreats, we talked about how, after years of meditation, I had never known that my mind could stop. Then one day I got to a place where there was a gap between thoughts, and this bowled me over. Listen to what happened in this episode!

We also discuss how I used a PhD in psychology and training in mindfulness, to develop the Mindfulness-Based Quality of Life and Well-Being Program. We look at my upcoming book `Clear Mind Open Heart` which is a step-by-step self-help version.

The 30-day program starts with Part 1 “Mindfulness” and teaches ten mindfulness skills and methods. Part 2 “Quality of Life” gives techniques on how to improve the five key life areas of relationships, work, money, health, and leisure. Finally, part three, “Inner Well-Being” teaches methods to access inner well-being untouched by life events.

LISTEN NOW - link in bio section.

#MindfulLeadershipPodcast #LeadershipMindfulness #HappinessJourney #MindfulInsights #MindfulMoments #MindFlipMomentsPodcast

As I finalise the edits of my upcoming book, Clear Mind Open Heart, we celebrated World Book Day this week! ✍️ Created by UNESCO in 1995, it is a worldwide celebration of books and reading. 📖

This mindfulness-based well-being book is a 30-day program consisting of educational information and practical exercises for people wanting to:

💫 Learn the top ten skills of mindfulness
💫 Improve quality of life across the five major life areas of relationships, work, money, health, and leisure
💫 Build unshakeable inner well-being independent of how those life conditions are going

Looking forward to its release in the coming months!

You can purchase the book now at pre-release special of $19.95 (RRP $29.95) now: by clicking the link in bio.

#bookrelease #internationalbookday #mindfulness #innerwellbeing #spirituality

✨ New Podcast Episode - Listen Now! ✨

It was great appearing as a guest on the Online Prosperity Show and talking to Prosper Taruvinga about achieving harmony between external quality of life and internal well-being. In this episode, we take a deep dive into the world of balanced living and inner peace.

I share the Mindfulness-Based Quality of Life and Well-Being Program, and I unveil the three-part method that forms the foundation of this program. From mindfulness techniques to goal-setting strategies, I provide actionable insights to resonate with those seeking greater clarity and fulfilment in their lives.

I also share some insights from my personal journey, including the transformative impact of mindfulness practices on my well-being, and my varying background including clinical psychology and teaching in Eastern ashrams and Western monasteries, to adventures as an active triathlete with a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

We also discuss details about my upcoming book release, “Clear Mind Open Heart.” Complete with practical exercises and expert guidance, the 30-day program is designed for readers to cultivate a balanced life of wellbeing.

👉 Listen to the podcast episode or watch the interview on YouTube now by clicking the link in bio.

#podcast #innerwellbeing #mindfulness #wellbeing #bookrelease

Talking about the link between the top 5 life areas and happiness in the Philippines.

#qualityoflife #wellbeingatwork #emotionalwellbeing #conferencespeaker #wellnesslifestyle #wellnessworkshop #wellnesstip #emotionalwellbeing #wellbeingmatters #wellbeingtips #spiritualityandhealth #phillippines #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmatters #psychologyposts #psychologyresearch #psychologyworkshops #guestspeaker #keynotespeaker #spiritualityandhealth #mindfulness #meditation
#expandingconsciousness #mentalwellbeing #emotionalwellbeing #dumaguete #negros #australianspeaker

Presenting on quality of life and wellbeing at the iGrow Conference in the Philippines for @businessblueprint and @wrkpodcareers - thanks for having me as a speaker @dalejbeaumont

#qualityoflife #wellbeingatwork #emotionalwellbeing #conferencespeaker #wellnesslifestyle #wellnessworkshop #wellnesstip #emotionalwellbeing #wellbeingmatters #wellbeingtips #spiritualityandhealth #phillippines #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmatters #psychologyposts #psychologyresearch #psychologyworkshops #guestspeaker #keynotespeaker #spiritualityandhealth #mindfulness #meditation
#expandingconsciousness #mentalwellbeing #emotionalwellbeing #dumaguete #negros #australianspeaker

As a guest on the 5 Minutes for Me App I share 10 mindfulness tips to help build inner well-being and external quality of life.

Now live - download the 5 Minutes for Me App today to listen! 🎤🎧

#5minutesforMe #Nowlive #App #mentalhealth #wellness #mindset #resilience #productivity #wellbeing #stress #GESpeakers #DrPatrickJones

I was asked to comment on the TV experiment @mafs on @youthjamonline

We explore its controversies, gender roles, and how to navigate being a good human being when we don’t like something or someone.

Click link in bio to listen now!

#MAFSAU #marriedatfirstsight #MAFS #mafs2023 #realitytv #realityshow #psychologyfacts #radiointerview #currentaffairs #humanbehaviour #genderroles #humancondition

Recently heard Handel’s Samson at @perthconcerthall based on the tale of Samson (and Delilah) from the Old Testament - the story of Samson’s superhero powers, his fall from grace and losing it all, and his return and redemption.

Having done versions of this rise and fall story in life and business, it highlighted the crises of conscience we all face in life. May we continue to courageously choose, and if it seems we fail, just choose again. As they say, no such thing as failure, just learning curve! Stay humble, stay noble.

Great work by conductor Dr Joseph Nolan and cast Paul McMahon (Samson), Sarah Macliver (Delilah), Fiona Campbell (Micah) and David Greco (Manoah) and the @stgeorgesconcertseries

#spirtuality #samson #couragetochange #superheroes #handel

Thanks to @perthwellnesscoach for having me on @the_mindbodystudio podcast - see details below and click link in bio to listen now! 🎧

☼ EPISODE ☼ Can we reach Enlightenment in this life time? Can we reach our FULL potential? What would full potential look like? Humans have an incredible amount of potential, but at times, we lack the understanding to know how to really develop and lean into this potential.

The final stage of Enlightenment, of wholeness and one with everything, is a place we can reach; holistically fulfilled, complete detachment and vibrating in a state of pure bliss and love.

⫸ The 7 Psychological Stages of Enlightenment;

Pre-Awareness. Egoic Identification
1. Awareness/Mindfulness
2. Purification
3. Awakenings
4. Change of Reference
5. Stabilisation
6. Nondual Well-Being, Awakening or Enlightenment
7. Perfect Enlightenment

#perthgram #podcastsofinstagram #perthmums #perthisokay #perthstagram #podcastteam #healthandwellbeing #perthwellnesscoach #perthwellnesstribe #perthnow #podcastjourney #holisticwellness #livewithpurpose #businesschicks #perthgirlboss #girlbossesau #perthwellnessbiz #perthhealth #perth #wellnessjourney #themindbodystudio #coachingforwomen #coachingformen #relationships #podcasthosts #perthwellnesscommunity #perthblog #perthhappenings #fitmums #fitdads

BTS today on learning the golden rules behind being on camera with @oncamerawithcarmen at @space3ed during the Perth Podcast Festival #perthpodcastfestival #perthpodcastfestival2022 #perthcreatives #perthisok #whatsonperth #perthlife #perthpublicspeaker #perthbusinessowner #podcastinglife #podcastingtips ...

An except from the lecture at the @maafim_malaysia conference. Great to mix with people making huge contributions to global health.

#malaysiahealth #malaysiahealthcare #conferencespeaker #wellnesslifestyle #wellnessworkshop #wellnesstip #emotionalwellbeing #wellbeingmatters #wellbeingtips #spiritualityandhealth #kualalumpur #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmatters #psychologyposts #psychologyresearch #psychologyworkshops #guestspeaker #keynotespeaker #spiritualityandhealth #mindfulness #meditation
#expandingconsciousness #mentalwellbeing #emotionalwellbeing #maafim2022

Q&A session at MAAFIM Conference Malaysia - the homeostasis of Health and Well-Being.

#malaysiahealth #malaysiahealthcare #conferencespeaker #wellnesslifestyle #wellnessworkshop #wellnesstip #emotionalwellbeing #wellbeingmatters #wellbeingtips #spiritualityandhealth #kualalumpur #mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmatters #psychologyposts #psychologyresearch #psychologyworkshops #guestspeaker #keynotespeaker #spiritualityandhealth #mindfulness #meditation
#expandingconsciousness #mentalwellbeing #emotionalwellbeing #maafim2022

Always a privilege and an opportunity to learn at the events and networking of @dalejbeaumont and @businessblueprint up there as the best biz training on the planet!

#business #training #networking #events #businessblueprint #whatsoninperth

Thanks for having me on the podcast @perthwellnesscoach - today’s episode on the psychological stages of enlightenment will be coming out in the next few weeks on @the_mindbodystudio

#enlightened #psychology #enlightenment #podcastshow #podcastlife #perthwellness #perthwellnessguide
#spiritualityawake #spiritualityandhealth #spiritualityawakening #spiritualitytraining #spiritualityandmentalhealth #spiritualityisajourneynotadestination #spiritualityandreligion #spiritualityoninstagram #bodymindsoul #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #meditation #awakening #innerwellbeing #innerwellness #emotionalwellbeing #meditationandhealing #spiritualgrowth #mindfulness #spirituality #podcastersofinstagram #podcasting #podcast

Celebrating a new instalment in the literature on happiness. Very happy to be invited to write a more mainstream summary of my academic work as a book chapter - how to achieve external quality of life by building an untouchable internal well-being. Here’s the abstract.

In the last fifty years there has been a growing scientific interest in what makes up happiness. Life areas such as relationships, work, or money were investigated however it was found that they only partially predicted happiness. More subjective factors such as cognition and affect were explored, and the term subjective well-being (SWB) became popular. However, because SWB was based on fluctuating mental states and changing life conditions, it was always unstable, and on average people reported themselves mostly happy but not completely happy. In response we ask what it takes to be fully happy. This chapter explores the possibility of whether happiness can be a stable attribute of a fully functional human being. We turn to traditional mindfulness and the ancient wisdom traditions who assert we can achieve lasting happiness and ask what are the psychological mechanisms that can be drawn from them. Their claim that the sense of self is constructed and responsible for the fluctuations in happiness is explored, and a model of robust happiness is considered.

Nondual Well-Being - The Evolution of Happiness - read full book chapter now via link in bio.

#wellbeing #happiness #psychologyresearch #psychologyofhappiness #authorsofinstagram #innerwellbeing #spirtuality #qualityoflife #psychologists #emotionalwellbeing #psychology #mentalwellbeing #mindfulnessmeditation #expandingconsciousness #perthwellnesscommunity #perthwellness #enlightenmentistherevolution #enlightened

Thanks to @murdochuniversity for the invite to the latest @tedxkingspark event “Brain”. Good vibe and nice to see research being presented in the mainstream.

#tedx #tedtalks #tedxtalks #tedtalk #ideasworthspreading #tedxspeakers #tedxevents #tedxevent #murdochuniversity #perthisok #perthhappenings #whatsonperth

JUST PUBLISHED! The construction of a new Clinical Quality of Life Scale (CLINQOL) - read now via link in bio.

The article lays out the construction, administration, and evaluation of the new Clinical Quality of Life Scale. It focuses on the combination of both mental state and important life areas like relationships, work, money, health, and leisure. The new scale is a tool for us to assess how well we are doing in achieving the balance between external quality of life, and internal well-being. It can be useful for both consumers and clinicians.

#qualityoflife #wellbeing #psychologyresearch #psychometrics #psychologists #psychologytoday #psychology #psychology #emotionalwellbeing #mentalwellbeing #researchpaper #psychologyresearch #wellbeingjourney #qualityoflife #wellbeingrevolution #mindfulnessmatters #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth

Highlights of a few posts! ...

In part 2 of the interview with Murdoch University, we look at the difference between mental health and inner well-being (attendees blacked out). I explore why people often go to counselling to fix things that aren`t working (the avoidance of pain driver), but after that what`s next? I look at how to activate the pursuit of pleasure driver to build inner well-being independent of these circumstances. How to have it all, both a functional quality of life and inner well-being.

#mentalhealthtips #innerwellbeing #qualityoflife #mindfulnesstips #mindfulnesspractice

Very happy the psychology of enlightenment has officially dropped and is now public!

Aiming to shake up the psychology world, and extend the mainstream well-being paradigm to include uninterrupted well-being or enlightenment.

You can read the full article in the APA journal Review of General Psychology or here via link in bio: Mindfulness and Nondual Well-Being – What is the Evidence that We Can Stay Happy?

#psychology #mindfulness #enlightenment #buddhistpsychology #awakened

In this interview snippet with Murdoch University I look at how psychology can impact society.

This includes the recent destigmatising of mental health, the benefits of counselling, and the advent of mindfulness and its impact upon well-being.

#mindfulness #psychology #mentalhealthawareness #wellbeingwisdom #emotionalwellbeing

I had the chance to be on retreat with Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo some years back. Her meticulous meditation and discipline as written about in her book Cave in the Snow (secluded herself in a remote cave for 12 years, 13,000 feet up in the Himalayas, cut off from the world by mountains and snow) is evidence that she walks her talk.

When I spoke with her I was surprised at how incredibly sweet she was, a probable effect of her ongoing purification of her egoic tendencies and the Tibetan Buddhist focus on bodhicitta or loving kindness.

In a time when the currency for news and entertainment feeds off our baser tendencies, examples like this show us that the essential nature of a human is genuine and loving. May we continue to carve out our own caves and be our best selves.

#Repost @jtenzinpalmo:
Consider a sporting event like the Olympics. We can see how those athletes train; their whole lives are totally dedicated to their sport. It regulates them -- when they get up, when they go to sleep, their diet, their exercise, even their relationships. They will give up anything and everything for the sake of winning a little medal. And yet, if people who think that they want to get enlightened are asked if they could manage to get up half an hour earlier in the morning to meditate, they say it is too difficult! The greatest prize in the world is freedom of mind. And yet, how little we are prepared to give in order to attain that greatest of all goals.

Even if we win an Olympic medal, it would only bring a few days of glory. After that, what then ? What do we do next? But complete freedom of mind is forever. When we ourselves see clearly, when we ourselves know, if we can tame our own untamed minds, then we will be able to benefit others. Well, we’d all like that, but not with too much effort! …

Therefore we have to open ourselves to a real commitment to the spiritual path. We are putting the spiritual path at the centre of our life and not at the periphery, and so we undertake to keep the basic general ethical principles and try to incorporate as many as possible of the spiritual practices into our life...

Photo by Olivier Adam

Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness (GNH): Sunday`s International Day of Happiness seeks to celebrate and promote world happiness as a fundamental human goal.
I`m reminded of Bhutan`s choice in the 1980s to replace GDP with “Gross National Happiness (GNH)”.

Bhutan’s fourth king, Jigme Singye Wangchuck who coined the term argued that “an enlightened society in which happiness and wellbeing of all people and sentient beings is the ultimate purpose of governance”

To read more on this you can read about it in "Under the Influence of Buddhism: The Psychological Wellbeing Indicators of GNH" or via link in bio.

#internationaldayofhappiness #worldhappinessday #grossnationalhappiness
#mindfulness #MentalHealthTips

In this final interview with Elizabeth Tan from @curtinuniversity , I explore what happens with the shift from event-based wellbeing to inner wellbeing model - resilience on steroids. And the impact on others - when we feel okay a natural compassion occurs – I feel fine so what do you need. Discovering and living from this underlying nature is a beautiful way of being.

#innerwellbeing #qualityoflife #mindfulness #mentalhealth #governmentpolicy

I`ve just published a paper on the Mindfulness-based quality of life and well-being program (MQW) that I created to help people build the balance between external quality of life and internal well-being. The program that highlighted the importance of getting this balance had a significant impact on well-being versus the control group.

Link to article in bio.

#wellbeingjourney #mindfulnessmeditation #qualityoflife #researchpaper #psychologyresearch #mindfulnessmatters #emotionalwellbeing #wellbeingrevolution #mentalwellbeing #spiritualenlightenment #consciousnessshift #psychologists #mindfulness #innerwellbeing #spirtuality #wellbeing #mindfulnesspractice #meditation

Episode is now live thanks to @the_mindbodystudio • Sound On • 💕 Little sneak peek into today’s episode with @drpatrickjonesofficial where we introduce and explore the discussion around The Pathway to Enlightenment. More in-depth discussion on this one soon!!

In today`s chat we explore;

• The difference between quality of life and well-being

• What research say are the predictors of quality of life and well-being

• What role mindfulness plays in quality of life and overall well-being plus so much more!

Listen on Apple;


IHeartRadio and many others!

If you would like to reach out to Dr Jones, you can reach him at;

👉🏻 Insta - @The_MindBodyStudio

Host - Tracey Soltys, Perth Wellness Coach, is a Molecular Biologist (BSc), Health & Nutrition Coach,  Host of The Mind Body Studio Podcast & Founder of Perth Wellness Tribe.  
👉🏻 Insta - @perthwellnesscoach

Repost from @the_mindbodystudio • RECORDING!! Dr Patrick Jones joins me in the studio today for a chat on the marrying of Psychology and Spirituality!!
Thank you @drpatrickjonesofficial 🙌🏻

#perthisokay #perthstagram #podcastteam
#perthwellnesstribe #perthnow
#podcastjourney #lifeissues #holisticwellness
#perthwellnessbiz #perthhealth #perth
#wellnessjourney #themindbodystudio
#relationships #podcasthosts
#perthwellnesscommunity #spiritualawakening
#podcastersofinstagram #podcastlife #podcasthost #podcastlove #podcastsofinstagram #podcastmovement
#mentalhealthtips #mentalhealthjourney #mentalhealthwarrior

My father passed away recently, and to honour him I’m posting an insight from his last days. As two bulls in a paddock, we managed to negotiate our relationship as adults, yet it was only in his last days when the roles of parent and child seemed to fade that I was confronted with the human that had always been before me. Any mixed feelings became irrelevant as I was granted the privilege of seeing a raw human being, innocent and beautiful.

May we aim for this equanimity with everyone we connect with: whether apparent friend, stranger, or enemy, and see that ultimately all beings want two things; to not suffer and to be happy.

Feel free to share any insights you have on this journey towards more truth and more love.

#equanimity #connection #bodichitta #lovingkindness #happinesswithin

Translating the insights from religion into the psychological paradigm, I explore the shift from effort to effortless. And once we have this level of mastery (though there is always further), we are able to live and contribute from the effortless natural state of well being.

#naturalwellbeing #selfmastery #psychology #religion #effortless

In this interview segment (3.14 mins) I look at how the difference between introductory and elite levels of mindfulness, and the possible relationship between religion and psychology in the journey to mastery.

#spirituality #mindfulness #spiritualityvsreligion #mystic

Thanks to @6pr882 for having me on air last night to talk about strategies for navigating Christmas.

I’ve uploaded the interview to my website in case you’d like to listen - link in bio.

Wishing you and your family a safe and Happy Christmas.

#christmas2021 #holidayseason2021 #innerguidance #mindfulmoments #happyholidayseason

In this interview (1/3), we explore the crossover between religion and psychology, moving beyond the limits of the mental health paradigm, and beyond the common ceiling of the human potential for happiness.

#innerwellbeing #humanpotential #spiritualenlightenment #psychologyresearch #happinesswithin

In interview 2 at @curtinuniversity the cost-effectiveness for the government to expand mental health to include inner well-being is explored.

When we come from this robust and untouchable place we break down less so need less maintenance - prevention versus cure.

#innerwellbeing #qualityoflife #mindfulness #mentalhealth #governmentpolicy

Latest interview by Elizabeth Tan from @curtinuniversity on the difference between inner-wellbeing and event-based wellbeing and how the status of top five quality of life areas influence a person’s sense of self (relationships, work, money, health, and leisure).

#wellbeing #mindfulness #mentalhealth #qualityoflife #innerwellbeing

I’ve just had an article published on the importance of including quality of life and well-being as a specific focus in therapy. It looks at ten domains (relationships, work, money, health, and leisure, mindfulness, self-esteem, resolution of past life events, mental style and life management skills) and it is recommended that psychologists include some of these in their assessment, case formulation, and intervention planning. To have a read of the full article click link in bio.

📷 Tim Mossholder

#mindfulnessmeditation #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulnessmatters #mindfulnessquotes #mindfulness #meditation #heroism #spiritualenlightenment #enlightenmentistherevolution #enlightened #consciousnessshift #expandingconsciousness #collectiveconsciousness #mentalwellbeing #wellbeingwarrior #emotionalwellbeing #wellbeingjourney #wellbeingrevolution #perthwellness #perthwellnesscommunity #wellnesswarrior #innerwork #soulpreneurs #perthyoga #wellpreneur #corporatewellness #perthcreatives #perthmeditation #perthmindfulness #mindfulnesstraining

Part 2 of 2: The difference between mental health and inner well-being.

Here we look at the place of inner well-being - the place of value that rests independent of social comparison.

#mindfulness #innerwellbeing #wellbeing #mentalhealthawareness #spirtuality

Part 1 of 2… exploring the difference between mental health and inner well-being.

Here we look at how to develop inner well-being and external quality of life - a happy life that works, contributing value to the tribe but finding our value independent of it.

#mindfulness #meditation #innerwellbeing #mentalhealth #qualityoflife

A behind the scenes snippet of podcast creation ...

My education has taught me what I need
To be part of a previously organized unit.
I have no skills to live outside of it.
I don’t know what roots or berries to eat.
How to catch and safely eat prey.
I’ve learnt a language laden with beliefs.
Am clothed in products I can’t make myself.
I have accumulated multiple degrees.
Yet remain vulnerable and dependent.
What of use I did learn it did not teach me.
That I am independent of all of it.

Liberation. It is said that awakening to our true nature is like having looked in the mirror and seen yourself for the very first time. Free.🕊 ...

The difference between mental health and inner well-being - time to expand the conversation.

In discussions about mental health, the main focus is on building resilience through more positive cognitive and behavioural habits. When someone is struggling this can be the first place to start.

But I see this more like ED, the emergency department when someone is in crisis and needs immediate help. However, psychology, often like hospitals, then releases people once the crisis is over, to return to similar patterns, problem solved, job done. It`s not that I`m against psychology, I founded @perthpsychologists, it`s just that there is so much more and it`s time for a new paradigm.

I think we need the next conversation, what got me into the mess in the first place. I think this is the time to introduce a new model - inner well-being versus event-based well-being.

When we approach life with event-based well-being, our mental state fluctuates based on whether we are more or less successful at managing our important life events. If they go well, or we manage bad ones well, we feel fine. If they don`t, we don`t.

To me this is like teaching children at primary school, it`s all they can do at this stage of development, but as they mature, they will be able to learn more. The more, in terms of well-being, is inner well-being. But I have to clarify, this actually has nothing to do with resilience or positive, reasonable thinking. It actually is even independent of thought.

It is access to, and ultimately the default place, where we come from, an inner well-being, that simply rests, is at peace, and actually is spontaneously loving. This is only possible when the normal sense of self has dropped away, what we might call ego, and we have touched or awakened to this light, aware, open true nature that has been watching non-judgmentally all the time.

This I suggest is the next conversation. From a mental health perspective, it`s a non-recurrent funding model, no need for ongoing maintenance when a new event crops up. It is free, inherently happy and at peace. And it is the natural state of a human being.

Let`s have this conversation, and I`m here to have it!

An extract from training offered to the @cancercouncilwa on Mindfulness, Well-Being and the path of the hero.🦁🔥 ...

If you are interested in mindfulness and well-being all my radio interviews on the Drive Show w Lachlan Bowes at @youthjamonline are now online - click link in bio!

1. Mindfulness and heroism – how to live a courageous life (5 talks).
2. Mental health and well-being – strategies and techniques (3 talks)
3. Quality of life and Well-being – how to balance inner happiness with a life that works across the top five life areas (2/10 talks)
4. The ten top Mindfulness Skills – the foundation for unshakeable well-being (10 talks)

#podcast #mindfulness #mentalhealth #motivation #wellbeing