In The Media

Dr Patrick Jones is regularly interviewed on a range of topics. Scroll down to access the below interview categories.

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Radio Interviews
Mindfulness Skills 8: Relaxation

One of the tendencies when people are under pressure is to act in a tense rather than relaxed way. As the whole body is a processing system, when the mind tenses so does the body.
By either relaxing the body or finding the mental cause for the tension, we are able to change the default of tension. We can bring the mind and body back to its natural state of relaxation, and create a relaxed versus tight/contracted way of being with life events.

Radio Interviews
Mindfulness Skills 9: Response Freshness

Often we approach things in an automatic and predictable way. The danger with these habituated or “non-fresh” thoughts and behaviours is that we miss out on the new opportunities of the moment.
By developing response freshness we can overturn the past by creating new responses to life circumstances. In choosing to have a different response we can have a different experience, which keeps us adapting and evolving.

Radio Interviews
Mindfulness Skills 10: Equanimity (Loving kindness)

In equanimity we apply the non-judgmental awareness skills of mindfulness to relationships. It is the capacity to observe those liked, disliked or those to whom we are indifferent, with the same objectivity and openness.
People are seen as the same as us, in that they want 2 things – to have pleasure or to be happy and to not be in pain or to have suffering. In this way a bridge of empathy is built with them. Here friends, strangers and enemies become a means to develop empathy and compassion.

Radio Interviews
Mindfulness-based Heroism Part 1

Dr Jones answers questions in the first podcast on mindfulness and heroes.

  1. What is heroism and what is it’s connection to mindfulness?
  2. How can heroism impact our physical and mental well-being?
  3. Why is heroism difficult to both define and identify?
  4. What is the difference between being heroic and being ethical or principled ?
  5. How do principles and values influence acts of heroism?
Radio Interviews
Mindfulness-based Heroism Part 2

Dr Jones answers questions in the second podcast on mindfulness and heroes.

  1. Does heroic behaviour depend on the situation or the person or both?
  2. What has spirituality told us about what is heroic and how we can be heroic?
  3. What is the distinction between an heroic act and heroism as an on-going trait?
  4. What is the methodology for developing heroism as a trait?
Radio Interviews
Mindfulness-based Heroism Part 3

Dr Jones answers questions in the third podcast on mindfulness and heroes.

  1. How has mindfulness changed in form over the years?
  2. What can ancient mindfulness teach us about both mental health and heroism?
  3. What is the role of each process of mindfulness?
  4. What is ego-less awareness and why might it be useful?
Radio Interviews
Mindfulness-based Heroism Part 4

Dr Jones answers questions in the fourth podcast on mindfulness and heroes.

  1. How can we measure the outcomes of traditional mindfulness?
  2. How can mindfulness prompt trait changes?
  3. What traits contribute to heroism?
  4. Which mindfulness exercises target these traits?
Radio Interviews
Mindfulness-based Heroism Part 5

Dr Jones answers questions in the final podcast on mindfulness and heroes.

  1. What is ‘heroic imagination’ and how does it influence our definition of heroism
  2. In what ways can our sense of self inhibit how we function?
  3. What is the distinction between ‘self-less observation’ and ‘passive observation’
  4. Should mindfulness and heroism always go hand in hand?
Radio Interviews
Mental health and well-being Interview 1 – Achieving life balance.

Dr Jones answers questions on mental health and well-being.

  1. What is the distinction between mental health and well-being?
  2. Can focusing solely on mental health cause other areas to stagnate?
  3. Which should come first, healthy body or healthy mind?
  4. If we’ve successfully found a way of managing our mental health, how can we best take the leap towards further self-improvement?
  5. What benefits does assuring your mental health and well-being bring to society?
Radio Interviews
Mental health and well-being Interview 2 – Mindfulness and daily life.

Dr Jones answers questions on integrating mindfulness into our daily life

  1. What are some of the facets of mindfulness?
  2. Are any of these facets more important than others?
  3. What is your advice around incorporating mindfulness in our daily schedule?
  4. How can we persevere with mindfulness as an ongoing habit?
Radio Interviews
Quality of Life and Well-Being Interview 3 – Relationship satisfaction and communication skills

Dr Jones answers questions on relationship satisfaction and communication skills:

  1. What are the benefits of interpersonal connection?
  2. Whether it’s social, familial, or romantic, how can we tell if a relationship is healthy?
  3. Occasionally, when struggling to communicate, we may feel as though ‘lost-for-words’. Why is this and how can we navigate it when it arises
  4. What advice do you have for when we might feel anxious or intimidated around commencing communication with someone?
  5. Are the any methods or exercises we can use to strengthen our communication skills before we even commence an interaction with another party?
Radio Interviews
Quality of Life and Well-Being Interview 4 – External quality of life goal setting life balance

Dr Jones answers questions on quality of life goal setting life balance

  1. What facets of our lives are we referring to when we discuss ‘external quality of life’, and how can these impact our psychological well-being
  2. What are the signs of a lifestyle imbalance, and how do we identify what needs to be changed?
  3. How can we navigate or manage aspects of our lifestyle that may be tumultuous but, ultimately, cannot be changed?
  4. Speaking from experience, setting goals can be marked by much deliberation on whether a goal is either too easy or overly aspirational. How can we best aspire to better things while retaining a basis in reality?
  5. A prerequisite for achieving goals is accepting there is a chance we might not succeed. Have you got any advice around maintaining both interest and patience in the pursuit of an achievement?