Quality of Life and Well-Being Interview 8 – Mental health and money

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Dr Jones answers questions on Quality of Life and Money

  1. Money can be seen to play a substantial role in many of the lifestyle facets we’ve discussed in the past. With this in mind, what are some of the ways it can influence the standing of our mental health?
  2. Given the vital role money and trade plays in our world, is there a degree to which our personal focus on it can be detrimental?
  3. A lot of common indulgences require money to be spent before they can be indulged in. The result can sometimes be financial instability. How can we navigate the impulse to spend in the face of perhaps needing to save?
  4. In the unfortunate event that financial uncertainty becomes inevitable or inescapable, what advice do you have around maintaining a level headspace that’ll help us work through it?
  5. What advice do you have around navigating independence, as well as interdependence, when it comes to money matters – for you versus for others?